Analyst Report

Help Employees Embrace Automation in Financial Services

Download this complimentary Gartner® Report to see concrete resources, recommendations, and step-by-step models for addressing employee concerns.

While automation has become standard at financial institutions, employees may understandably feel nervous, threatened, and resistant to this ongoing change at their companies and in the industry at-large. And without employee assistance and buy-in, efforts to scale automation are hampered.  

That’s why Gartner analysts recently created a robust how-to guide, “Help Employees Embrace Automation in Financial Services,” full of research-backed recommendations for CIOs to help mitigate employees’ fear in clear, honest ways. 

In this evidence-based report, you’ll learn:   

  • Common employee reactions to automation and how to address them 
  • How to identify and attend to emotional triggers using a 5-step model 
  • Effective communication and language strategies with scripted examples 
  • How to collaborate with HR to develop a roadmap of new roles and training for affected employees 

More on how to help employees embrace automation, and how automation can enhance employee experience (EX):  

BLOG: How to Help Your Employees Embrace Automation 

WHITE PAPER: The Hidden Costs and Risks of Poor Employee Experience (EX) in AML and KYC Operations 

Get the report
Gartner, Help Employees Embrace Automation in Financial Services, 20 July 2022, By Nicole Sturgill Et Al. GARTNER is a registered trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and internationally and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved.