Kyle Hoback, WorkFusion

Hidden Costs and Risks of AML

Hidden Costs and Risks of AML

In this webinar, WorkFusion expert Kyle Hoback walks through how Intelligent Automation helps anti-money laundering (AML) and other compliance functions solve for the hidden costs and risks in their operation.

Most executives underestimate the extent that people-heavy processes increase costs and risks, driven by a poor Employee Experience (EX). Previous change initiatives have likely had limited progress, with costly, risky manual remaining. Transforming the work of areas like Adverse Media Monitoring, Name Screening Alert Review, and Payment Screening Alert Review through Intelligent Automation improves EX (and thus the whole operation).

Banks like Deutsche Bank, Scotiabank, and Carter Bank & Trust have already saved millions and reduced risk in their operations.

Kyle Hoback, WorkFusion
Director, Intelligent Automation
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